To me, art is a kind of magic;a transformation of one thing-an inert surface, a lump of clay, etc, into another-an image, infused with color, line, texture. So the vieweris then transformedin a wayand/allsorts of wonderful things can happen inourmindsasweare moved by a particular piece of art.Throughoutmy life I’ve enjoyed exploring many different mediums. Each time, it’s an adventure as well as a learningexperience. My work has a lot of layering of color and texture.I can be very meticulous with my patterning.Also my work tends to be narrative, telling a story or illustrating a concept.I truly believe, as ElbertHubbard said,“Artis not a thing, it is a way”.If we believe in the magical qualities of the life we are living,and celebrate and make the most out of every gift of a day then we are truly living an artistic life.
After a successful career in the corporate world as an art director for a major company,Eileen decided to concentrate on her paintings and other studio projects in the early 90’s. Her work has been collected by businesses and individuals throughout the country.Eileen has participated in numerous group shows and has participated in several major exhibitions. Eileen has created pieces for the Arts Council of Hillsborough County, The Outdoor Arts Foundation, and many other organizations.Her paintings and mixed media projects have been exhibited from Tampa International Airport to St.Pancras International Station in London, and from New York to Key West.
Eileen is also an author/illustrator of children’s literature. She has illustrated two books and written and illustrated one more, all published by Guardian Angel Publishing.Eileen Goldenberg is a member of the Tampa based-female collective Creatives Exchange, Las Damas Des Artes, DIVAS(Davis Islands Visual Artists), SCBWI, and founded the Tampa Bay Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Group